adjective as in approximate, close to
Strongest match
Example Sentences
“Just the mere point that construction is happening in the Central Valley before it happens in SoCal or the Bay is a comparative advantage that Central California hasn’t seen before,” she said.
To evaluate evolutionary trends, the researchers applied phylogenetic comparative methods to assess phenotypic and lineage diversification, while disparity analyses quantified the extent of morphological variation across anglerfish clades and habitats.
One classic argument for agricultural trade liberalization is to let countries exploit their comparative advantages and grow what they grow best.
As a result, Huel has been ordered to take down the banned ad and was warned about making general health claims and comparative price claims.
The filing also claims Sánchez’s book “contains over 60% of similar content and story as the book concept Plaintiff had shared with Defendant,” according to a “comparative analysis” of the two works.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.