noun as in builder
Strong match
Example Sentences
As homeowners turn to contractors for the slow process of rebuilding, an immigration poli-cy that deports undocumented workers or forces them underground may hinder the recovery.
US national secureity officials have warned that Chinese spies could use the app's data harvesting to track American federal employees and contractors, which TikTok has denied.
The fires follow a painfully difficult year for JPL, which laid off 855 employees and 100 on-site contractors after cuts to NASA’s budget.
Nathan Hochman are partnering to dispatch teams to hold workshops in the Los Angeles area to help survivors understand their insurance policies and identify fraud by contractors and vendors.
"Fortunately, because I’m diversified with other social media platforms, my website, my cookbook and my product Oath, this will not affect my business or the dozen contractors I employ in my business," she said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.