Example Sentences
“I had called Sam’s games when he was young and I was convinced this was not going to work out,” Gannon said.
The bigger point here is what matters in the markets, which is whether the UK is pursuing a credible set of policies, a convincing overall strategy.
The unknowing bride said her partner was a social media influencer who convinced her to take part in the ceremony as a "prank" for his Instagram account.
They argued briefly over whether it was worth spraying their home and yard again, but Collison convinced her son that it was, as she had spotted red-hot embers flying toward their next-door neighbor’s property.
Whether or not “The Pitt” reflects the life of an actual emergency room — do doctors chat about their lives while working over a patient or give them wheelchair rides? — it has a convincing energy.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.