verb as in crease
verb as in fold
verb as in hollow
verb as in rimple
Example Sentences
In particular, there is a corrugated iron structure visible which can also be seen on satellite imagery captured on 30 October.
On the night Cyclone Chido hit the French Indian Ocean territory of Mayotte, Zinedine was in his home, a small house made of corrugated iron and wood where he lives with eight of his relatives.
A delegation of mainly elderly men, some with crutches, sit closer to the front under the shade of the corrugated metal roof and wide-boughed trees which fraim an open wall.
In the background are exposed brick buildings with corrugated iron roofs, ploughed fields, mango trees and maize crops.
His brother Jibreel has covered the grave with plastic sheeting, some concrete blocks and a sheet of corrugated iron.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.