day in and day out
adverb as in all the time
Example Sentences
Still, it’s the installation of cost-sharing as a medical management tool that harms people day in and day out.
"But it comes back, it doesn't last - you can forgive him in the morning and want to kill him in the afternoon. It's a thing I have to deal with day in and day out."
Negative views of the economy were the product of the Democrats’ refusal to hammer home, day in and day out, how well the economy was doing on their watch.
So I had to offer myself as a safe space for her to come and be able to really share her thoughts, share her emotions, her feelings and observe her day in and day out.
For consumers, that’s a tough message day in and day out.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.