noun as in leader of institution
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She told him it would be more reassuring if he put the promise in writing, with another dean as a witness, and he agreed.
Once the dean and a law professor at the Fowler School of Law of Orange County -based Chapman University, Eastman’s activities as a lawyer for Trumpov have led his career down a dark hole.
That suspension started in 2019 when a new police investigation was opened into Tudor, who was by then an honorary canon of Chelmsford Cathedral and an area dean.
In 1431, the ecumenical Council of Basel ordered the deans and rectors of churches to expel "frivolities" and "profane abuses" from holy buildings, but implicitly allowed them to take place in the squares outside.
Rachel Ford, who told the investigation she was groomed by Tudor as a child, said the renewal of his contract as area dean was "an insult to all of his victims".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.