noun as in congress
noun as in convention
Strong matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
And, in front a delighted conference hall of delegates, spoke of "large-scale repatriations".
Inside the conference, as tractors blared their horns outside, Mr Reed told delegates the government would offer a "new deal for farmers" that would help them become more profitable.
Still, as the most populous state in the nation, California enjoys the most representation in the House with 52 delegates — down one after the 2020 census showed a population decline.
Hosted by Jordan, delegates from several countries agreed on the importance of a "non-sectarian and representative government", protecting human rights, unfettered access for humanitarian aid, the safe destruction of chemical weapons and combatting terrorism.
After two weeks of talking, delegates here in Baku finally reached the crunch issues that were always going to face this meeting – dealing with climate finance, and improving efforts to cut carbon.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.