noun as in underpants for a baby
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In Los Angeles, an immigrant woman works each day tending to the needs of her elderly client — bathing her, changing her diapers and brushing her teeth.
“They change our diapers, and then we change theirs,” said Marc, who got his mother into their car with the help of an L.A.
The disaster center will also offer food, clothing, baby formula, diapers and breast-feeding equipment, Wilson said, along with assistance to recover important documents destroyed in the fire, like driver’s licenses.
“It’s still a dynamic situation,” Carvalho said Friday while taking part in a food and diaper distribution at Liechty Middle School on the western edge of downtown.
Case in point in this seemingly endless parade of stupidity are those who weren’t alive or were barely out of diapers telling me about former President Jimmy Carter.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.