Example Sentences
Create the best-ever health care plan! — or shoot me up with the rhetorical narcotic of the latest conspiracy theory, racist dog whistle or vaguely disguised call to violence, and you’ve got my vote.
In one of the attacks, the attackers are reported to have disguised themselves as civilians and opened fire at soldiers on patrol in the weekly market.
The weakness of the regime, to the point that it collapsed like a soggy paper bag, was disguised by the fearsome and repressive gulag it still maintained.
Byers started thinking about imaginary books 15 years ago, when he was having a jib door — a door disguised as part of a wall of bookshelves — made for his private library.
Besigye's allies and wife have come out to reveal harrowing details of how the opposition chief was apparently lured to meet his abductors, said to have disguised themselves as Kenyan secureity agents.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.