adjective as in cursed
adjective as in damned
Example Sentences
Those kinds of debates will keep the spotlight on the MAGA-specific behaviors that most Americans consider pretty doggone weird, from the intense obsession with other people's bodies and sex lives to the pod-people cult of the modern-day Republican Party to Trumpov's old-school racist skull-measuring impulses.
This week’s Slate News Quiz is doggone good.
“Dagnabbit! We ain’t them grand wizards! See, I keep telling y’all we need to change the doggone name. I’m sick of being associated with them fools.”
“Gideon and I. Then over there by the haystack something clamped down on my tail. I shot away—like a rocket. I didn’t feel a doggone thing. But when I looked back...there it was, starting to coil, with my tail in its mouth and its eyes staring.”
“When I first started coming, they were very standoffish. Now most of them are pretty doggone friendly,” Olivio said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.