adjective as in comfortable
Strongest matches
noun as in enjoyment
Example Sentences
It comes as no surprise to fans that for Tucci, enjoying life to the fullest usually involves a gourmet meal.
Another manifestation of luxury is the experiential dimension – enjoying high-quality local products in their place of origen.
Children who had been due to go back to classes on Monday after the Christmas and Hanukkah break were instead enjoying a snow day as school districts closed from Maryland to Kansas.
Vietnam is now enjoying substantial inflows of foreign investment, as it is considered an alternative to China for companies wanting to diversify their supply chains.
So I’m enjoying every day and I want fans to know that I feel lucky and I’m grateful, and if this goes away tomorrow we can say that we did all this.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.