noun as in forger
Weak match
noun as in manufacturer
Strong matches
Example Sentences
At the time he was still being managed as a sex offender, but was working in the Glasgow area as a fabricator for a company based in Linwood, Renfrewshire.
Under the bill, businesses and workers could not do stonecutting without certification, and beginning in 2027, stone slab manufacturers would be banned from providing their products to any fabricators that lack such certification.
Cambria attorney Lindsay Weiss said the company had provided warnings, including labels on the slabs themselves, and offered free training to the “fabricators” who cut, grind and polish the material to shape it into countertops.
Rains, a miner and countertop fabricator, had also been one of the few people holding onto hope of finding buried treasure in Havilah.
Moving to Schuylkill County, in Pennsylvania, in 2021, he had access to local manufacturers, including a metal fabricator who primarily built roller coasters.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.