flirt with
verb as in consider
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
But the artists kept bringing in more work and flirted with the idea of parking a low rider in the middle of their exhibition.
He parked his SUV at a Chevron station, low on gas and flirted with the idea of leaving the area to refuel.
At one point, they flirted with the question of whether they were selling out — back when that was something ambitious rock bands still worried about.
And I think it was actually even more impressive that a 16-year-old took me under her wing when that’s the time where you want to flirt with people and be cool.
Eliava, in contrast, was a mischievous charmer who pranked his friends, once dressing as a woman to flirt with d’Hérelle at a dinner party, and kept sketchy notes in the lab.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.