flow back
verb as in ebb
verb as in recede
Example Sentences
She also has May-Thurner Syndrome, a rarely diagnosed condition that tends to affect women more than men, in which an artery compresses a vein in the pelvis and this makes it harder for blood to flow back to the heart.
“California’s vision for a waste-free future is focused on reducing waste, reuse, and intentionally designing products that flow back into the system for efficient collection and remanufacturing into new products,” said Maria West, a spokesperson for CalRecycle.
Stay where you are and lie the affected person down flat, raising their legs to help blood flow back to the heart and vital organs.
Doing so can cause electrical energy from the house to flow back to the utility wires, putting electrical crews in danger.
“Timing of when he’s getting there. How he’s getting there. I think understanding the rhythm of the offense and getting that flow back. I don’t think it necessarily means more shots. I just think it means like your timing, when he’s getting to his spots, how he’s getting to his spots and things like that.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.