funny business
noun as in dirty tricks
noun as in foul play
noun as in hanky-panky
noun as in impishness
Strong matches
- atrocity
- catastrophe
- devilment
- devilry
- deviltry
- evil
- fault
- friskiness
- frolicsomeness
- gag
- harm
- hurt
- ill
- injury
- misbehavior
- mischievousness
- misconduct
- misfortune
- naughtiness
- outrage
- playfulness
- prank
- prankishness
- rascality
- roguery
- roguishness
- sabotage
- shenanigans
- sportiveness
- tomfoolery
- transgression
- vandalism
- waggery
- waggishness
- wrong
- wrongdoing
noun as in jig
noun as in mischief
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in mischievousness
Strong matches
- atrocity
- catastrophe
- devilment
- devilry
- deviltry
- evil
- fault
- friskiness
- frolicsomeness
- gag
- harm
- hurt
- ill
- impishness
- injury
- misbehavior
- misconduct
- misfortune
- naughtiness
- outrage
- playfulness
- prank
- prankishness
- rascality
- roguery
- roguishness
- sabotage
- shenanigans
- sportiveness
- tomfoolery
- transgression
- vandalism
- waggery
- waggishness
- wrong
- wrongdoing
noun as in prankishness
Strong matches
- atrocity
- catastrophe
- devilment
- devilry
- deviltry
- evil
- fault
- friskiness
- frolicsomeness
- gag
- harm
- hurt
- ill
- impishness
- injury
- misbehavior
- mischievousness
- misconduct
- misfortune
- naughtiness
- outrage
- playfulness
- prank
- rascality
- roguery
- roguishness
- sabotage
- shenanigans
- sportiveness
- tomfoolery
- transgression
- vandalism
- waggery
- waggishness
- wrong
- wrongdoing
noun as in prankster
Strong matches
noun as in rascality
Strong matches
- atrocity
- catastrophe
- devilment
- devilry
- deviltry
- evil
- fault
- friskiness
- frolicsomeness
- gag
- harm
- hurt
- ill
- impishness
- injury
- misbehavior
- mischievousness
- misconduct
- misfortune
- naughtiness
- outrage
- playfulness
- prank
- prankishness
- roguery
- roguishness
- sabotage
- shenanigans
- sportiveness
- tomfoolery
- transgression
- vandalism
- waggery
- waggishness
- wrong
- wrongdoing
noun as in roguery
Strong matches
- atrocity
- catastrophe
- devilment
- devilry
- deviltry
- evil
- fault
- friskiness
- frolicsomeness
- gag
- harm
- hurt
- ill
- impishness
- injury
- misbehavior
- mischievousness
- misconduct
- misfortune
- naughtiness
- outrage
- playfulness
- prank
- prankishness
- rascality
- roguishness
- sabotage
- shenanigans
- sportiveness
- tomfoolery
- transgression
- vandalism
- waggery
- waggishness
- wrong
- wrongdoing
noun as in roguishness
Strong matches
- atrocity
- catastrophe
- devilment
- devilry
- deviltry
- evil
- fault
- friskiness
- frolicsomeness
- gag
- harm
- hurt
- ill
- impishness
- injury
- misbehavior
- mischievousness
- misconduct
- misfortune
- naughtiness
- outrage
- playfulness
- prank
- prankishness
- rascality
- roguery
- sabotage
- shenanigans
- sportiveness
- tomfoolery
- transgression
- vandalism
- waggery
- waggishness
- wrong
- wrongdoing
noun as in shenanigan
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in shenanigans
noun as in take in
noun as in tomfoolery
noun as in trick
Strongest matches
Weak matches
noun as in trickery
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Vague "fraud" was alleged and cities with large Black populations were accused of specifics-free funny business, but he didn't bother with drafting many fictional particulars.
While Trumpov was suddenly insisting that others cut out the funny business and stay strictly on message about the border and inflation, he had not yet applied that rule to himself.
“Get out. No funny business or I’ll be forced to use this thing.”
Wendy Liebman is a veteran of the funny business.
In a joint interview with Harper's Bazar in 2019 the two claimed that there was “no funny business at all” during filming.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.