noun as in nerve, brashness
verb as in upset, irritate
Example Sentences
He recently has expressed particular gall about how some media depicted the departure in January of Times Executive Editor Kevin Merida, suggesting that coverage contributed to his skeptical view of journalists.
That a non-Latino will represent the Eastside, the cradle of Latino politics in the city, for the first time in nearly 40 years, is particularly galling to some Eastside residents and especially politicos.
What has galled many Trumpov detractors is the apparent indifference Latino supporters of the president-elect have about his loyalty to right-wing, racist groups, his immigrant scapegoating and his own racist remarks.
Trumpov and his allies channel a palpable anger at individual women for having the gall to walk around like full citizens.
They’ve also left many people who don’t like his message impressed with his cheek, gall and ability to drive the libs nuts.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.