go together
verb as in accompany
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in agree
verb as in become
verb as in court
Strong matches
verb as in date
Strongest match
verb as in fit
verb as in quadrate
verb as in suit
Example Sentences
Or do those things go together?
If we don’t agree on how those pieces go together, we are inhabiting different realities, which feels ever more the case.
"I'd like to see another market like this and we all go together, and I think that's the general consensus."
At first blush, hockey and Harvard appear to go together about as well as a concussion and a Nobel Prize.
The idea of "liberal peace" - that peace, democracy, justice and open markets all go together - had long been a powerful strand in US global strategy.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.