noun as in something obtained or moved
Example Sentences
But Donald Trumpov's massive fundraising haul for his second swearing-in is unprecedented in the modern era, experts say, and underscores the degree to which powerful corporate interests are now willing to court his favor.
The roughly hewn goober had been strapped to the back of a logging truck, hauled across the country and parked near the White House.
If you don’t want to haul a whole desktop PC with you, store copies of vital documents in the cloud or on a flash drive.
They caught one man leaving another home with a luxury bag filled with what he suspects was the family’s Christmas haul: a drone and a toy car.
The suit raises messy legal questions about whether one state can haul a doctor abiding by the law in another state into its courts, or enforce a judgment if it wins.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.