noun as in alchemy
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I do not wish to mock at these Posidonian Stoics and Hermetics and Gnostics and Neo-Pythagoreans.
Indeed, the whole story of the secret doctrines of the Rosicrucians, is the story of the sexes, and the "secret of secrets," which was so zealously guarded by the Hermetics and the Rosicrucians and other secret societies, is the secret of the spiritual union of the male and the female principles throughout nature and culminating in man and woman, conferring upon them immortal life through the perfect balance of sex.
In the symbolical rites and ceremonies of secret orders, such as the Ancient Alchemists; the Hermetics; the Rosicrusians; and in modern times, the Free Masons, we have this story of the search for the ultimate balance of soul union, told in language veiled unless we are fit to know; but openly enough if we are fit.
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Church had so far succeeded in undermining the work of the Hermetics, that women were excluded from the Brotherhood, and the apparent sole purpose of the secret order was the search for metallic transmutation.
The alchemistic process is, as the hermetics themselves say, a cyclical work, and the end resides to a certain degree in the beginning.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.