home run
noun as in bull's-eye
Strongest matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
You can bet on the next pitch, the next home run, the next game, the next World Series.
Both sides averaged over 28 points a game, which is rare for a wildcard meeting, both have home run hitters at receiver and neither quarterback knows when he is beaten.
He hit 19 home runs, but also struck out 117 times.
This weekend, Win Gurney of Mira Costa, an Oregon State commit, hit the longest home run in the history of El Camino Real.
Weeks later, more insanity ensued, the 50th home run ball selling for $4.39 million at auction, the highest price ever paid for any ball in any sport.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.