in broad daylight
adverb as in openly
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Jamil describes their abductors as heavily armed, able to track their mobiles phones and confident enough to pick them up in broad daylight, operating with a level of resources and degree of flexibility that human rights groups have reported in many cases.
The boss himself seemed less interested in playing out The Apprentice with his staff in broad daylight.
He was shot 12 times in broad daylight near the offices of his weekly newspaper, RioDoce.
"It's so scary, and now these things are happening in broad daylight. It's not nice."
Meanwhile, more than a few Americans have despaired so thoroughly of fixing our society through politics that they’re willing to cheer for an assassin murdering a health care CEO in broad daylight on the streets of Manhattan.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.