in conflict
adjective as in inconsistent
Example Sentences
While some may see the politics of the state of Utah, including controversial restrictions on public bathrooms for transgender people, as being in conflict with those espoused by Sundance, Nikola suggests that the festival can and has shaped the state as much as the reverse.
UK-Med is a humanitarian medical non-governmental organisation providing aid in conflict and disasters.
Several viral videos and images appeared to be taken with drones in conflict with a temporary flight restriction issued by the Federal Aviation Administration to protect firefighting aircraft.
"I think when politesse is in conflict with the truth, I choose the truth," he said.
US-based MedGlobal condemned the detention of Dr Abu Safiya, who was its lead physician in Gaza, as "not only unjust" but also "a violation of international humanitarian law, which upholds the protection of medical personnel in conflict zones".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.