in dire circumstances
adjective as in poverty-stricken
Example Sentences
But it was never a sincere effort to allow women in dire circumstances a chance to save a baby's life without getting into legal trouble.
The war has had a staggering toll on civilians in Gaza, with most of the territory’s 2.3 million people displaced by the fighting and living in dire circumstances, with little food and often in tents and no end in sight to their misery.
Leaving a job without a new one in hand is anxiety-inducing, and it’s not something I recommend unless you are in dire circumstances.
Many new arrivals are indisputably in dire circumstances, including some who hoped to join relatives and friends but find their calls blocked and messages unreturned.
If they run out of money, they could end up in dire circumstances as well.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.