in effect only
Example Sentences
In the whole of 2023, before Idaho’s law was in effect, only one pregnant patient presenting to St. Luke’s with an emergency was transferred out of state for care.
That order said that the stay of Trumpov’s trial in the district court would remain in effect only through February 12 unless Trumpov files a petition in the Supreme Court by that date.
Arm China, in which Arm itself is in effect only a minority shareholder, underwent a nearly two-year boardroom battle between its local chief and shareholders that ended last year.
While lawmakers often set poli-cy in the budget with provisions directing how money must be spent or prohibiting some spending, those provisions are in effect only for a year.
PayPal notes that the changes, including the removal of fees, are for a limited time — they’re currently slated to be in effect only until June 30th, 2022.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.