in execution
Example Sentences
But in execution, can you actually imagine being there in front of everyone?
On the surface, “Queer” seems to be miles away from the shiny, sporty thrills of “Challengers,” but in execution, both are pure expressions of cinematic sensuality and the subconscious.
When I think about Lena's story, played by the extraordinary Betty Gilpin, and this idea of being married to a man who doesn't love you – that storyline, both in the book and then in execution in our show, is utterly heartbreaking to me.
But losses to the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Sacramento Kings underscored slippage in execution and maybe some waning attention.
Like "Avatar: The Last Airbender," some animated series are timeless in execution and messaging, propelled by stories untethered to a single epoch that speak to the human condition — especially our arrogance, our adaptability and our willingness to evolve for the better.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.