in the gut
noun as in soft spot
Example Sentences
Now we’re learning that GLP-1 in the brain plays important roles in metabolism there, just as GLP-1 in the gut and pancreas does in the rest of the body, including the brain.
Calcium may help protect against cancer by binding to potentially harmful substances in the gut and promoting the death of abnormal cells.
This was especially surprising as previous studies in mice have argued that bacteria that eat the same types of foods and nutrients would have a hard time living together in the gut.
This strategy may be more effective than taking probiotics directly, as new bacteria added to the intestinal tract have been previously shown to only live for a limited period in the gut.
The discipline applies six pillars of health that have been found to reduce systemic chronic inflammation: nutrition that balances the good and bad bacteria in the gut, physical activity, sleep, stress management, improving social connections, and avoiding and reducing the use of risky substances.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.