adjective as in explanatory
Strongest matches
adjective as in extenuating
Strong matches
adjective as in interpretative
Weak matches
- allegorical
- analytical
- annotative
- critical
- declarative
- demonstrative
- diagrammatic
- discursive
- elucidative
- elucidatory
- enlightening
- exegetic
- exegetical
- explanative
- explicative
- expositional
- expositive
- expository
- graphic
- guiding
- hermeneutic
- hermeneutical
- illuminative
- illustrative
- informative
- informing
- instructive
- interpretive
- summary
- supplementary
adjective as in interpretive
Strongest matches
Weak matches
noun as in proving
Weak match
Example Sentences
Most post-presidency books are about people touting their successes and justifying things deemed mistakes.
Christian nationalist pastor Lance Wallnau has declared that cities and counties that voted for Vice President Kamala Harris are infected with demons, which is an unsubtle way of justifying violence against them.
Anyone hoping an electoral victory would spur a change in heart — as opposed to justifying, in his mind, a national campaign to repair his narcissistic injuries — was dispelled of that notion this week.
She argued that "Donald Trumpov and his administration and all these Republicans have been justifying abuse forever," which she compared to the ways her family used religion to rationalize abuse.
The 1974 Senate report justifying a mandated 10-year term acknowledged that a president’s power to remove a director within that time “is formally unlimited.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.