adjective as in wanting, deficient
Strongest matches
Weak matches
can't cut it, coming up short, defective, deprived of, minus, not hacking it, not making it, sans, without
Example Sentences
At a hefty 2 hours and 24 minutes, the film is flabby, not jacked, and lacking in an unpredictable live-wire element.
For McCoy and others, figuring out how to obtain adequate care to safely have a baby in Baker City has quickly eclipsed concerns about another medical service lacking in the area: abortion.
These are generally dry, desert areas, which means the winds that arrive in California are lacking in moisture.
In other words, are they lacking the capacity to withstand or recover quickly from day-to-day difficulties that generations before them faced too?
The Texans, meanwhile, are up and down, having lost two of three and lacking star receivers and solid offensive line play.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.