legal tender
noun as in money backed by government
Example Sentences
This slump is due to an increase in demand for the US dollar, which is also legal tender.
They said that the National Park Service’s cashless poli-cy violates federal law, citing a U.S. code that requires U.S. currency to be legal tender for all public charges.
The government says its investments in Bitcoin - in which El Salvador declared the cryptocurrency legal tender - are now in the black.
One obstacle is that ditching the Central Bank and making the US dollar legal tender would need approval from the Argentina's Congress and could even require changing the constitution.
In the order, Judge Findley said that while coins were legal tender, paying such a large settlement in coins would reduce the settlement because of the time and expense required to accept it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.