adjective as in contemptible
adjective as in depressed
Strong matches
adjective as in detestable
adjective as in lascivious
Weak matches
adjective as in lecherous
adjective as in low
adjective as in lurid
Strongest matches
adjective as in melancholic
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- bummed out
- cast down
- crestfallen
- crummy
- dejected
- desolate
- despondent
- destroyed
- disconsolate
- dispirited
- down and out
- down in the dumps
- down in the mouth
- downhearted
- dragged
- dull
- dysphoric
- fed up
- glum
- grim
- heavy-hearted
- in a blue funk
- in pain
- in the dumps
- in the pits
- in the toilet
- let down
- low-spirited
- morose
- on a downer
- pessimistic
- ripped
- sad
- sob story
- spiritless
- taken down
- torn-up
- tristful
- unhappy
- woebegone
adjective as in paltry
adjective as in shabby
adjective as in sordid
adjective as in tasteless
adjective as in tristful
Weak matches
- bad
- blue
- bummed out
- cast down
- crestfallen
- crummy
- dejected
- desolate
- despondent
- destroyed
- disconsolate
- dispirited
- down
- down and out
- down in the dumps
- down in the mouth
- downcast
- downhearted
- dragged
- dull
- dysphoric
- fed up
- gloomy
- glum
- grim
- heavy-hearted
- hurting
- in a blue funk
- in pain
- in the dumps
- in the pits
- in the toilet
- let down
- low
- low-spirited
- lugubrious
- melancholic
- melancholy
- moody
- morose
- on a downer
- pessimistic
- ripped
- sad
- spiritless
- taken down
- torn-up
- unhappy
- weeping
- wistful
- woebegone
adjective as in ugly
adjective as in unjust
adjective as in unscrupulous
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in wicked
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- abandoned
- abominable
- amoral
- arch
- atrocious
- bad news
- base
- contemptible
- debased
- degenerate
- depraved
- dissolute
- egregious
- fiendish
- flagitious
- foul
- gross
- guilty
- heartless
- heinous
- immoral
- impious
- incorrigible
- indecent
- iniquitous
- irreligious
- mean
- nefarious
- profane
- reprobate
- rotten
- scandalous
- shameful
- shameless
- sinful
- unethical
- unprincipled
- unrighteous
- vile
- worthless
adjective as in wretched
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
But if you call townsfolk low-down, they won’t take it as an insult.
BBC Wales political report David Deans gives the low-down on the man taking on the role.
“I may have my differences with the Gantrys, Mr. Peale, but I don’t take to low-down tactics. If you’re amenable, Horace will be here to help you with the harvest. For free.”
Right-wing insult comic Alex Stein taunted a Black police officer: "You're not one of those low-down brothers. Your dad probably dragged you to a lot of gay bars."
But he could have called me a low-down, sorry S.O.B and I still would have read pretty much everything he wrote.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.