adjective as in iridescent
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adjective as in kaleidoscopic
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Less known but also superb is the symmetrical “College Ground” of 1941, where a dollhouse hybrid of a darkened crystal palace and a Spanish Mission church’s red tile roof, is approached along a path of many-colored tiles that maintains symmetry as it extends to the painting’s bottom edge.
A recent lawsuit has grabbed headlines and raised consumer concerns with its claim that Skittles, the popular many-colored candies, contain “a known toxin”: the chemical titanium dioxide.
George Washington, Liz Cheney, all of us watching and listening to the hearings as if the illness Trumpov made fully manifest — the many-colored hate flying in the night breeze along this highway — might still somehow be quarantined to that one terrible day in January.
The jury’s still out on how many wildflowers we’ll see this spring, but in the many-colored, carefully cultivated Flower Fields of Carlsbad Ranch, the bloom is on and the cash register is about to begin ringing.
Decked out in many-colored beads, bells and huge feathered bustles, accompanied by flute, drum and song, they did a Fancy Dance, a Jingle Dance, a Prairie Chicken Dance.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.