monkey around
verb as in cavort
Strongest matches
verb as in dabble
verb as in goof off
verb as in horse around
verb as in tamper
Example Sentences
But seismologists say one thing is clear: Anytime we drill thousands of feet into the ground, and monkey around with pressure in the Earth’s crust, there’s a potential for triggering earthquakes.
Even Mr. Trumpov, then merely a reality television star, joined the chorus, calling Mr. Welch’s bogus accusation “100 percent correct” and accusing the Obama administration of “monkeying around” with the numbers.
Thankfully there has been no monkeying around with the formidably tall gâteau Basque, which is flavored with rum and served with a sparkling orange puddle of Cara Cara marmalade.
“I think it would be dangerous to let them monkey around with their own account.”
What you would not think is “There must be lots of other monkeys around here, mostly writing nonsense.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.