muck around
verb as in dabble
verb as in mess around
Example Sentences
And that means finding a problem, guessing how it can be answered or solved, and then mucking around.
In short, a nakedly profit-seeking agenda — one that came at the direct expense of both staff and readers — was in place long before the publisher started mucking around with AI.
His administration’s mucking around with COVID-19, climate science, vaccinations, the EPA … all these and more had vast domestic and international repercussions, and from which the world is still reeling.
All-rounder Benny Howell spent his childhood "mucking around", both in cricket nets and, sometimes he admits, in the classroom.
"I just wanted to get on stage and muck around and see what Ali G would be like with a crowd," the comedian told GQ afterwards.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.