play dead
verb as in surrender
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Example Sentences
"If you're attacked by a polar bear, definitely do not play dead — that is a myth," she told CBC.
And if you had any other ideas about giving them the slip, wasps will not be fooled by anyone trying to "play dead" said Debugged, a blog by pest control giant Rentokil.
But the snakes of Golem Grad island — whose main predators are birds — often play dead.
“Make sure that you are in a safe area and that the bear has a clear escape route. Then, make noise or bang pots and pans to scare the bear away. Do NOT turn your back, play dead, climb a tree or run.”
Wagner said he wasn’t necessarily thinking of avoiding a penalty at the time, but that he thought he had Purdy in enough of a grasp that he expected to hear a whistle that would blow the play dead.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.