noun as in political science
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I was a poli sci and theater major in college.
As writer Brian Grubb tweeted, the “silver lining of this election is the rest of the country learning that pennsylvania has a tatted-up 6′8 lt. governor who supports recreational marijuana and prison reform and lives in a converted car dealership and looks kind of like if the undertaker had a poli sci degree.”
And that was among a sample of voters that, according to the UNF poli sci professor who directed the survey, leaned to a “very slight” degree toward having voted for Trumpov over Clinton in 2016.
“That’s when I realized that I wanted to be able to major in political science when I got the opportunity to come back to college. So when I got the scholarship, I knew right away that I wanted to major in poli sci.”
“It’s no mystery; it’s Poli Sci 101: Do what your customer wants,” said Representative Dave Brat, a Virginia Republican.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.