noun as in arrogance
Strong matches
- airs
- aloofness
- audacity
- bluster
- braggadocio
- brass
- cheek
- chutzpah
- conceit
- conceitedness
- contemptuousness
- crust
- disdain
- disdainfulness
- ego
- egotism
- gall
- haughtiness
- hauteur
- high-handedness
- hubris
- imperiousness
- insolence
- loftiness
- lordliness
- nerve
- ostentation
- overbearingness
- pomposity
- pompousness
- presumption
- pretension
- pretentiousness
- pride
- priggishness
- self-importance
- self-love
- smugness
- superciliousness
- superiority
- swagger
- vanity
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Cumming and the producers know they’re playing with people who love being the center of attention and love winning — and manipulate their pridefulness to reduce them to wrecks.
While there’s humor in Nick’s jealousy of his rich and handsome competitor, Sandler laces it with a feeling of threatened ego and husbandly pridefulness.
My pridefulness was a constant source of sorrow and agitation for Aunt Ivy.
Across the film's 94 minutes Boseman transforms Levee from a man hurtling into the midst contentious conversation into someone tangling in on himself until inevitably, his parched pridefulness consumes him.
Put aside pridefulness and say, “Let’s compromise on a less expensive bottle of wine. We don’t like to spend so much.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.