adjective as in reserved
Weak matches
- aloof
- backward
- bashful
- cautious
- ceremonious
- close
- close-mouthed
- cold
- collected
- composed
- controlled
- conventional
- cool
- demure
- diffident
- distant
- eremitic
- formal
- frigid
- gentle
- icy
- inhibited
- mild
- misanthropic
- modest
- noncommittal
- offish
- peaceful
- placid
- prim
- quiet
- reclusive
- restrained
- reticent
- retiring
- secretive
- sedate
- self-contained
- self-restrained
- serene
- shy
- soft-spoken
- solitary
- standoffish
- taciturn
- unapproachable
- uncommunicative
- uncompanionable
- undemonstrative
- unresponsive
- withdrawn
Example Sentences
Self-controlled reproduction, to be sure, down to the baby’s gender, but with the purpose of producing a male leader whom they hope to “control” from the shadows.
For a few seconds during a marathon hearing before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, one of the most drama-averse and self-controlled figures in official Washington, lost it.
The self-controlled case series analysis found that men 18-39 years old experienced an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death within 28 days of vaccination.
Then there are those who are self-controlled enough to mute their racist speech, so I will likely never hear a hateful confession from them.
In a world of sudden violence, she is always cool, self-controlled and unafraid, qualities she has passed on to Paul.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.