noun as in pride
noun as in self-regard
noun as in self-respect
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Strong match
Weak match
Example Sentences
He is one of the Today programme's guest editors this year and used his episode to explain how volunteering can build confidence, self-worth and the ability to empower others.
The compounding effect of these barriers is not just a transactional inconvenience; it erodes trust and self-worth, leaving individuals feeling alienated from the same system designed to help them.
As Queenie, navigating empty relationships and professional disappointments on a journey from self-sabotage to self-worth, Brown makes a whole person from a variety of attitudes — hopeful, hopeless, hungover, exuberant, fretful, thoughtful.
But it gives these men a feeling of self-worth and a sense that they still matter.
Another viral tweet defending Roan stated, "Chappell Roan is entering the industry with a sense of self-worth that everybody applauds in other women as long as they endure mistreatment for a decade before developing it."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.