spending money
noun as in money available for spending
Example Sentences
"It leaves me with virtually no spending money," she said.
Fly-tipping Action Wales, which is sponsored by the Welsh government and partnered with environment body NRW, hopes it will help councils that are spending money on clearance costs instead of "vital services".
In other words, this feeling of shame or unease about having or spending money is usually rooted in some kind of unresolved emotion or perception picked up early on.
He plans to revive the practice of “impounding” funds — blocking agencies from spending money that Congress has appropriated for programs he doesn’t like.
Therese Roberts, a retired marketing worker from Coventry, said she bought £500 worth of vouchers for her children last Christmas, before also spending money on a £250 voucher for a friend.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.