adjective as in shining
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Those who know thee—once splendent in power and in pelf, King erstwhile in Zion—uplifting the hand, Shall curse thee, Zedekiah.
Nunc splendent tantum, et deterso pulvere belli E memori pendent nomina magna tholo.
The shadowy opal greys of the headlands, the liquid amethystine tints of the hills, the light irradiated coasts, all rising out of the luminous waves, looked lovelier even than they had done in summer, at noontide, when swathed by a splendent haziness, for now the cold opaque clay tints themselves looked transparent, wrapped up as they were in that vaporous pellucid veil of mists.
Vpon hir Eares did hang two Sumptuous and Riche orientall Pearles, which to the artificiall order of hir hayre added a certen splendent brightnes.
Pict� domus et exterius et interius splendent.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.