adjective as in abandoned, wandering
verb as in deviate, err
verb as in wander; get lost
Example Sentences
Watching the videos, Chandrakar's journalism comes across as slightly melodramatic and sometimes straying from the rigours of traditional reporting, such as not always giving all parties a right of reply.
As the days wore on, stray comments started to irk him.
A stray cat she encounters on the road reminds her of herself, both of them having "weathered the wind and rain for years but still managing to love this world that dusts our faces".
A mother has told of her family's heartbreak after their home was destroyed by a fire believed to have been caused by a stray firework on New Year's Day.
But Taka’s father, a king who prioritizes royal lineage, isn’t pleased, referring to Mufasa as the “stray” and forcing him to be raised by the lionesses.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.