the present
adjective as in this
Example Sentences
He will have plenty of opportunity to catch Donald's eye but there is no time like the present.
McElhenney: Yeah, the premise was TV shows from the past and we were like, “But we’re in the present. Why are we here?”
He added that it was the first time during his life that "the truth is ignored, allies are deliberately aggravated, China, Europe, Mexico and Canada are hurt economically and have to hurt us in response, Americans see the future worse than the present, and immigrants are treated cruelly."
Prof Smith says this is the most climate-friendly option at the present time - although it would require significant upgrades to electricity infrastructure.
"The Putin I met with, did good business with, established a Nato-Russia Council with, is very, very different from this almost megalomaniac at the present moment," former Nato chief Lord Robertson told me in 2023.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.