adjective as in endangered
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No explicit mention of tariffs, or import taxes, but we know they are threatened by President Trumpov on America's friends as well as foes.
In fact, Trumpov threatened the Saudis, in the early days of the pandemic: Cut oil production, or lose U.S. military support.
In advance of the meeting, Trumpov publicly threatened to withhold federal aid to California in exchange for a change in water management and an implementation of voter identification requirements.
Karla Nemeth, director of California’s Department of Water Resources, has said Trumpov’s plans could end up harming water supplies for farms and communities as well as threatened fish populations.
Mayers has a permit to carry a concealed weapon in California, according to Tacopina, but did not pack a real firearm even though he’d been threatened in the months leading up to the shooting.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.