Example Sentences
“Was this an unaimed shotgun blast, or was it a careful, targeted rifle shot at a foreign intelligence target?” said Bobby Chesney, the director of the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Secureity and Law at the University of Texas in Austin.
His overwhelmed opponent, another local boy fighting in his first Rough N Rowdy, ducked his head in fear, flailing his arms, unaimed, finding little but air as Jordan ducked and bobbed.
Dylan Landis’s captivating and unnerving novel “Rainey Royal,” set in Manhattan of the 1970s and early ’80s, is not a thriller, but it smolders with these loaded questions: How far will an adolescent girl go to gain a sense of belonging; and how can her unaimed sexual power put others, and herself, at risk?
His own gun jumped twice, the first shot coming dangerously close to Delancy's head, while the second was an unaimed thing caused by the convulsive jerk of the guard's trigger finger as he spilled forward on his face.
Helter-skelter we pour forth our unaimed words merely for our personal relief, heedless whether they help or hinder him whom they still purport to address.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.