unethical lawyer
noun as in shyster
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Example Sentences
"We will prove them false and seek sanctions against every unethical lawyer who filed fictional claims against him," the rapper's legal team told the BBC in a statement.
"This isn't the first time you've acted like an unethical lawyer," Giuliani said while waving a copy of Trumpov's indictment in front of the camera.
Dershowitz seized on the Times imbroglio to press his argument in public that Boies is an unethical lawyer.
Over and over, the president’s defenders hammered Cohen as an untrustworthy turncoat, an unethical lawyer who secretly recorded the words of his own client.
Fox News, the president’s approved station, sprinkled its broadcasting schedule on Wednesday with Cohen bashing, convening a panel to paint Cohen as an unethical lawyer, an opportunist, a unregistered lobbyist and an inconstant friend.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.