Example Sentences
Studies have shown that the population is growing in the wildland urban interface, especially in areas where the vegetation is highly sensitive to the effects of climate change, Diffenbaugh said.
State Rep. Christine Goodwin, a Republican from a southwestern Oregon district, called the proposal the “latest example” of urban legislators telling rural leaders what their communities need.
The city also doesn't typically see fires of this magnitude - the Palisades blaze is already the most destructive in its history - and its systems are designed for urban use, not fighting wildfires.
It might not be as prone to fire as Malibu, but its twice as dense, and in that mix of wild and urban, a wildfire can cause extreme damage.
We also created a checklist for people to use after urban wildfires in the future to help them protect their health and reduce their risks when they return to smoke-damaged homes.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.