verb as in move about aimlessly
Strong matches
verb as in digress; get lost
Example Sentences
But as she wandered through the wreckage on Thursday, she stepped amid cinders left by the flames that had swarmed the land and erased the life she had built.
In no time at all, Amy is wandering the halls, peeking in on patients, getting underfoot.
Medical student Hadi Nazari went missing on Boxing Day after he wandered off to take photos during a hike with his friends in Kosciuszko National Park in the Snowy Mountains region.
In a third, at an age where most children can barely conceive of double digits, the toddler wanders to the camera and gleefully shouts "one hundred and eighty".
What is it about lavender that makes people want to don gauzy clothes and wander the fields, fingers trailing through the fragrant flowers?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.