with due respect
adverb as in respectfully
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"We accept the verdict of people of Karnataka with due respect, we will take this verdict in our stride," Basavaraj Bommai, the BJP's outgoing chief minister of Karnataka, tweeted.
“People should feel free to discuss these existential matters, with due respect, with family and friends. At the workplace or with strangers, discretion should be employed.”
Years later, when those documents were disclosed during his Supreme Court confirmation, he assured senators that while that statement reflected his views in 1985, he would approach abortion cases with an open mind as a justice, with due respect for precedent and with no ideological agenda.
“Just yesterday, Mr. Snyder tried to rebrand his team as the Commanders. With due respect, it’s going to take more than a name change to fix that broken culture,” said Rep. Carol Maloney, D-N.Y., the committee chairwoman.
So with due respect, your exchange of lay medical opinions is pretty useless.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.