with respect to
adjective as in regarding
Strong match
adjective as in relative
preposition as in apropos
Example Sentences
Instead, “from the looks of it, that’s not going to happen. It seems that these first worrying steps with respect to muzzling public health agencies is moving in the opposite direction. And doubling down on the Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil strategy of the Biden administration” is just going to make it worse.
“However lack of clarity with respect to the scope, duration and implementation — especially concerns about potential delays in critical public health information are valid.”
David Lieck, 58, a Democrat who voted for Harris: "I felt like he's essentially pandering to his base in the action he took with respect to the pardons and the commuting of the sentences of the January 6 rioters. I felt that was vindictive and sending the wrong message to the American people."
Fan went on to say that the pardons were a symptom of a shift among Republican officials with respect to their view of the Justice Department’s independence from the president.
He added that the NCA had a "number of ongoing investigations with respect to financial sanctions breaches and other relevant crimes, some of which are awaiting charging decisions".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.