without basis
adjective as in illogical
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“The decision confirmed that the Margolis Group was always supposed to control the partnership, the venue operations, and the talent booking and was wrongfully ousted without basis,” Knitting Factory Entertainment said in a statement.
Ava denied this and earlier this month lawyers hired by MrBeast concluded that allegations of grooming were "without basis".
Lawyers hired by MrBeast to investigate claims that his former co-host groomed a teenager have concluded that the allegations were "without basis", the star YouTuber has said.
"Allegations of sexual misconduct... between company employees and minors are without basis. The allegations were soundly rejected, including by alleged victims," it said.
It added that allegations the company had knowingly employed "individuals with proclivities or histories towards illegal... conduct" were "similarly without basis".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.